Early Spring 2023 issue 70 contents
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Rich Adventure foreword by Richard Harpham
Romancing the Drôme by Greg Spencer
Leptospirosis AKA Weil’s disease by Olivia Bassett
Six tips for beginner paddlers by Del Read
A chat with… Mike Hayward
Our pledge an open letter by Darren Clarkson
Discover the magic of Skye by Janni Williams
Scotland Ocean Nation by Cal Major
Canoe Focus British Canoeing’s Early Spring 24-page magazine
The cold fix – East Greenland by Martin Rickard
The mighty Zambezi by numbers by Zac Green
Club focus… Pleasley CC by Nukshi Velebny, Dale Smith & Darrel Hill
A chat with… Kev Brady
The River Tweed – a touring river by Richard Harpham
A paddle comes to life – VE Paddles – Advertorial by Palm Equipment
Paddling to the sound of silence by Marc Ornstein
Aqua Marina Coral touring board 2023 by Sarah Thornely
NRS Zen PFD, Stratos shorty cag & Benny Board shorts by Zac Green
Lifejacket Skincare by Dale Mears
Palm Equipment Solo PFD by Dale Mears
Dryrobe® Women’s Eco Thermal Boots by Sarah Thornely
Dryrobe® Women’s Eco Thermal Gloves by Sarah Thornely
Bluefin Rogue 12’6 touring board by Oli Jordan
Aqua Marina Coral – Night Fade 10’2 by Sancha Myall
ddipp® Sea Monster robe by Sarah Thornely
Peter Tranter
Tel: (01480) 465081
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Anne Egan
Tel: (01480) 465081
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