By Richard Harpham
Richard Harpham, FRGS and Ashley Kenlock are human-powered adventurers, paddling coaches and leaders who have completed over 12,000 miles of expeditions by kayak, canoe, SUP, ski and bike. www.richadventure.com They run the award-winning Canoe Trail, watersports and adventure business together, offering coaching, expeditions and canoe and camp in Bedfordshire.
Thanks to BAM Clothing, Paramo, Valley Sea Kayaks, MSR, Palm Equipment and Silver Birch Canoes for sharing the dream.
Foreword: Rich Adventure
Welcome to the adventure planning HQ
It’s that time of year after the New Year’s best intentions have faded, and more realistic goals and objectives have set in. We follow a simple recipe, more paddling trips, getting paddling fit for the season and planning wilderness adventures off-grid.
We have been busy sharing adventure anecdotes and inspiration at the British Canoeing Provider Conference, the Caravan, Camping and Motorhome Show at the NEC (where we were running the pool and Forest Camp areas), as well as looking forward to the Outdoor Expo in March and the Bushcraft Show in May. VIPs include Paul Merton, a cast of adventurers at the Expo and Ray Mears at the Bushcraft Show and, of course, a reprobate band of paddling brothers and sisters.
The weather has been mostly changeable, and it seems strange that not so long ago, we had a serious ‘deep freeze’ period, and were paddling with ‘ice berg’ like bits on the river, then floods, followed by unseasonal warm spells and risk of sunburn. It has also remained challenging for us as we continued with our ‘off grid’ land project converting a static caravan, aka base camp home, into a log cabin, making a new external roof, wood burners and decking braving sub-zero conditions. That which doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, we hope. For those that remember it, we are feeling like a remake of the ‘Good Life’.
We are beyond excited that soon we will depart for our latest Yukon Canoe expedition in June, a real bucket list topper! This will be my eighth expedition there, including competing in the Yukon River Quest race, and it does feel like a second home to me. I feel privileged to share the incredible wildlife (last time, lynx, bears, moose, porcupines and beavers) and many historical sites and hidden gems on the trail. Better still, my partner in crime and wife, Ash, will enjoy this part of Canada for the first time.
Some of our Canoe Trail supervisor team are preparing for assessment for their core coach and undertaking the touring leader qualification. It does fit together to deliver a power base of qualifications for leadership and coaching. British Canoeing has done a great job with new and revised qualifications, and getting news this week that they have been appointed as the SUP national governing body (NGB) is fantastic news for SUP and paddling in general.
Paddling is on the up, with more and more people getting on the water, whether on SUP or by canoe and kayak. Check out the new Paddle Safe, SUP Safer and PSRC (Paddle Sports Safety and Rescue Course), which are brilliant for filling in gaps in theory or practice.
Happy trails, and stay safe
Ash and Rich