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Autumn/Fall 2021 issue 62 contents
Check it out! The Paddler magazine fireside issue…
The International magazine for recreational paddlers
Dimitri’s rescue 2
Second of a series of four by Dimitri Vandepoele
Canoeing the Inside Passage
By Martin Trahan
A Caucasian WW classic
By Mike Krutyansky
A chat with…
Palm Equipment’s big cheese: Paul Robertson
EJ’s favourite freestyle moves
By Eric Jackson
Young paddlesport instructors
Their journeys by Daniel Chan
Scottish highland SUP
By Sarah Thornely
Canoe Focus Autumn issue
British Canoeing’s 24-page magazine
Freestyle Euro Champs
By Bartosz Czauderna and Mike Shaw
A chat with…
Andi Brunner
Strange world of WW SUP
By Corran Addison
Full speed astern 3
By Marc Ornstein
Red Original
Salty Kit
Autumn in Austria
By Steve Brooks
Rebecca Louise
Making paddling a part of your fitness routine
Cover: Paul Robertson surfing Scotland’s north coast.
Photo: Mike Marshall
Additional thanks to: Yan Kaczynski, Robert Carroll, Dale Mears, Mikhail Burov, Dewerstone, James Appleton, Andy Knight, Jason Ambrose, Peter Holgate, Corey Rich, Rudiger Hauser, Andy Aldred, Jens Klatt, Niels Jung, David Sodomk, Per Gustafsson, Richard Fox, Supjunkie and Stacey Friedberg.