Mustang Survival Women’s Callan waterproof jacket
With a very long history in military, public safety, and industrial marine apparel and safety products, Mustang Survival design, engineer, and manufacture products for NASA, US Navy Seals, US Coast Guard, police and military, ocean racers, professional athletes and now, the very likes of you and I who love and want to be around water and in the words of Mustang, they want to look after those who ‘live beyond land’.
They have the perfect testing ground with their headquarters based on the mighty Fraser River. You, therefore, know that this kit will be very well thought out, made to last, and suitable for the job.
Mustang has asked me to review the Callan Waterproof Jacket, and once I’d opened the pack, I first noticed how incredibly light and soft it is. Beautifully designed, this jacket is nimble, highly versatile, and super lightweight. It’s windproof, waterproof, highly breathable, and constructed with high-performance stretch fabric for excellent mobility. It’s in a women’s specific cut and feels like a beautifully crafted piece of clothing. Attention to detail all around, inside and out, is superb, and the jacket is a two-layered affair with stitching and seam details that would impress any high-end dressmaker.
There are waterproof zippers not only for the main jacket but also for the pockets, and the hood is a fully adjustable alpine style to ensure your peripheral vision is not impaired. There is an adjustable drawcord at the hem, very sneakily hidden away in the pocket, so there are no snag risks there, and it just continues the neat and tidy theme. The cuffs are also adjustable. If you are a ‘boater’, there is a hidden marine loop that attaches to the engine cut-off switch.
The only challenge with this jacket was to get a photograph of it wet! Almost impossible, as rain drops and even the garden hose water would not settle on this jacket, beading and disappearing as quickly as it landed!
I hope I have caught your attention because this jacket deserves all the attention. Finding a waterproof and windproof jacket that is breathable too, has always had me stumped, and I can now move on a couple of not-so-good purchases in favour of the Callan – don’t let the price scare you; you should only ever buy a product like this once and it is worth every penny. The jacket is also available for men.
Price: £275