Winter 2023 issue 69 contents
Check it out – the Winter issue 69
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The International magazine for recreational paddlers
Ed’s foreword by Peter Tranter
Freestyle Unlocked by Bartosz Czauderna
Five swims and what I learned by Del Read
1. Swale – scout, scout & scout!
2. Etive – if there is a hole, make sure to boof!
3. Twrch – be honest when you are scared
4. Upper Dart – communication is key
5. Orchy – plan for the unexpected!
Algarve SUP tour by Stuart Gammon
A chat with… Casle Portner
Kayaks as research instruments by Carmen Kuntz
Canoe Focus
British Canoeing’s Winter 24-page magazine
Ulster CC 2022 review by Elaine Boyd
A chat with… Jordan Wylie and Dawn Aldred
Paddling with whales by Cory Jones
Royal Deelight by Alain and Liv Cook
A chat with… Mal Grey
Solo Sideslips by Paul Klonowski
Freestyle central: Hurley by Mike Shaw
Reviews: Typhoon Hendra Hinge women’s specific drysuit
Peter Tranter
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Tel: (01480) 465081
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