We’re in lockdown. No paddling (at least in the UK). BUT. If you could get out and paddle, where is the first place you would head for on this Easter weekend?
We asked some of our valued contributors to the Paddler magazine for their answer and starting tonight and over the Easter weekend, we will feature those answers from the four corners of the planet. Paddlers will feature in the order they sent their replies.
We have to somehow get through this difficult period together, so let’s give each other hope that the world hasn’t ended and that there will be time when we are free to paddle wherever once again.
Corran Addison
Corran Addison is a regular contributor to the Paddler magazine and owns Soul Waterman
Rouge River, Quebec, Canada
Canada’s lockdown is a strange one. Stay home. Don’t socialize. Avoid family members and friends you do not live with. However, go for a walk. Ride your bicycle. These are encouraged. If you ride in a group, its a $1,500 fine each. Ride alone and it’s OK. It takes some interpretation, but this means that, at least currently, we can still paddle. I’m going out to the Lachines with my son, or sometimes alone for a surf. But I’d like to go run a river, the Rouge specifically, with my son again, and as soon as the lockdown ends, that’s where we’re going. We cannot now because it involves a shuttle, but thats number one on my radar.
Darren Clarkson King
Darren’s bio
Darren is an adventurer whose personal philosophy asks what we can learn when we put ourselves in a place of adventure. Over the last 20+ years Darren has explored some of the worlds most challenging rivers. He specialises in running trips across the Himalaya in Nepal, India, Bhutan, Pakistan and Tibet. To join him for expeditions visit www.purelandexpeditions.com
Gamchi Chu River, Bhutan
Easter is the time our plans always move toward the Himalayas. From the holy Ganga to the pristine rivers of Bhutan. The less unknown runs. Sure most know about the classic of Nepal, the Sun Kosi, Marsy and Bhote. Bhutan has kept a mystery around the rivers in the Kingdom. The Gamchi Chu is tucked away across the country, way out east. A dirt track takes you to the put in. The white Chorten an obvious land mark. Cool and clear water rushes past. The horizon dropping at each river bend. Rocks block the path, they cover over the visuals. Heading down, moving past troublesome features is never all that easy. On the bank the farmer and the beast of burden. On the horizon another fall, a cascade, a smooth boulder to ride over and boof. All too soon the river slows, a road bridge comes close. That is the place to settle – to exit.
Darcy Gaechter
Darcy Gaechter is the first ever woman to kayak the entire Amazon River!
South Yuba River, California, USA
If I weren’t sheltered in place, I’d most likely be loading up my new van with kayaking gear and driving to California to start the boating season off right! One of my favorite early spring runs in CA is the South Yuba River. Look at those beautiful rocks and amazing water colour! The South Yuba has many kilometres of amazing whitewater and there are tons of sections so this river has something for the Class III paddlers, the Class IV paddlers, and the Class V paddlers.
Of course, since we can’t have our own paddling adventures right now, reading about them is the next best thing! Folks looking for an Amazon River adventure story should check out Amazon Woman
Mike Shaw
Mike Shaw is a professional coach and playboater in his spare time, sponsored by Jackson Kayaks, Mitchell Blades and Square Rock.
Ottawa River, Canada
So here goes where would I paddle?
Assuming we can go anywhere and be anywhere in the world right now with optimium paddling conditions. I would transport myself and a bunch of friends to Canada, to the Ottawa River. Beautiful scenery, amazing wildlife, stunning white water, phenomenal waves and wonderful people. A freestyle kayakers paradise!
Hectic mornings watching beat down after beat down in Phil’s hole, frustrating but oh such joyous surfs on corner wave. Grins from ear to ear on baby face wave before heading to Garberator for immense airscrews and ass kickings! Relaxed afternoons at push button, chilled evenings on the beach, cooking on open fires and a moonlight session back at push button to finish of the day before crawling to bed tired and content, ready to do it all again the next day.
Lake Kabetogama, Minnesota, USA
In the northern reaches of Minnesota, where the US and Canada border slice through the lakes, there is a beautiful stretch on water, Lake Kabetogama in Voyageurs National Park Lake. Unspoiled crystal-clear waters interspersed with rocky islands that offer safe havens for nighttime camping.
Easter is a perfect time to escape here, the ice is leaving the lakes, the black flies are still hibernating. The lake is quiet with only the hardiest of paddlers and fishermen bracing the sub-freezing night temperatures. The paddling is wonderful, either long open crossings or sheltered excursions using the many island’s wind shadows for protection, there are routes for all levels of experience and passions.
Most islands have sheltered campsites, providing stunning views across the lake and forests surrounds its shores. The driftwood and fallen trees from the winter storms provide ample fuel for fires, and the total darkness of zero light pollution provides amazing star gazing opportunities. Instead though I find myself stuck nearer home practicing yoga, and building my strength, for when it becomes safe for us all to return to paddling the wilds.
Glenn Richards
Glenn Richards ‘Senior Instructor’ at ‘Savage Wilderness’ Event organiser for ‘Tana River Festival’
@SavageWilderness @Tanariverfestival @immersionresearsh
Tana River, Kenya
My favourite river to do endless laps on is the Tana, Kenya! Putting on below the town of Sagana and taken out at ‘Savage Wilderness.’ Fantastic grade 1-4 drop pool river. If I am kayaking or rafting this river is such a joy to be on. I have done countless laps but never gets boring.
Its great to take clients rafting on this section, as the big rapids push there confront zone and creates big smiles. The calm water section where clients have the opportunity to ask questions about the local cultural and different species of birds in the area.
Kayaking this section there is always places where you can push yourself! Catching that micro eddy, trying different line, playing in different ‘play spot’ in your creeker or being out in a play boat. I love showing visitors this river which I have on my door step. Using different sections to coach on or doing laps of the harder rapids and trying to get a ‘Clean Line’
Due to the current situation laps can wait. Kenya is not on a full lockdown. Certain cities here are! However, the way to stop the spread of ‘Covid-19’ is to ‘Social Distance’ and in fact change are lifestyle. I am missing being on the water and paddling with friends or clients visiting. But to set a good example to the people around here and highlight that ‘Covid-19’ is serious we have to sacrifice are hobbies and are passions. However, there will be a time when this is all over that we can return to do the things we love.
David Horkan
David is a professional kayaker and one of Ireland’s top paddlers A guide, coach and athlete, he is active at a high level in multiple disciplines. From paddling raging whitewater rivers, surfing walls of Atlantic swell, to racing over incredibly long distances. His passion for being on the water and commitment to pushing his boundaries make him the epitome of the “all round” kayaker.
Devizes to Westminster race, United Kingdom
If I could get away for a paddle this weekend I’d love to be doing another Devizes to Westminster race. 125 miles across English country side finishing under Westminster Bridge. It takes place Easter every year and can be attempted over four days or non-stop in k2. I’ve done the race four times, my last race in 2018 being cancel halfway through due to flooding on the Thames. I’m looking forward to getting back for this great race in 2021.
Closer to home I be happy to get out on my local coast on the West coast of Ireland and enjoy some clean Atlantic surf and sea air. We will have to stick to alternative training for the moment, but it will make it all the more sweet when we get back to our boats and paddles.
Korcula Island, Croatia
Most of us are in lock-down due to the Coronavirus. I hope you and your families are OK. If there is one place where we would be right now, during the Easter-weekend, it should be Lumbarda. This is located on Korcula island in Croatia where we coach the Sea Kayak Training Camp every year.
When the SKTC is done, we head out ourselves and find us the best spots in the area. The reason why this place attracts us so much is the diversity, the beautiful weather and crystal blue water all around. I’m thinking of visiting the well-hidden and abandoned limestone quarry on Vrnik island, the curious deer on Badija island where there is also an ancient monastery.
A few uninhabited islands further away is the village of Korcula. If you have never been there, it is like Dubrovnik, but smaller and cosier. After lunch in one of the many small restaurants, serving tasteful local dishes, we head back in our sea kayaks to Bilin Zal beach, where we started, and where there is a sandy beach. Lovely to see the sun go down with the white sand going through your toes. Let us all dream, and this lock-down will be over before we know it.