Words and Photos:
Phil Bulkeley
My name is Phil Bulkeley, residing in North Wales – I have an ever growing passion for photography.
White water kayaking being one of my favourite subjects.
My contact details: e-mail: philipbulkeley@outlook.com or 07399 491447
The Tryweryn Festival
19-21st July 2019
The Tryweryn Festival is a fun-filled weekend held at the National White Water Centre, Canolfan Tryweryn. On the Saturday I was up bright and early for a road trip to the festival, but not with a kayak! I arrived at the start of the buzz of excitement for the weekend’s event and word seemed to get round quite quickly that I was on the river bank as the adventurous started to display their expertise in the Grave Yard section of the river.
Plenty of humorous banter emerged between those of you on the water and me on the river bank. Yes, you guessed it was me hiding behind the lens, as you started your descent towards Bala. Hopefully you all enjoyed it as much as I did.
Thanks to:
- The National White Water Centre.
- Sam Beasley (event organiser).
- Manon’s Cafe.
- Event sponsors.
- Special thanks to Peter for the opportunity to work alongside the team at the Paddler magazine – it has been an absolute pleasure.