SEAR plugs
As a keen surfer and water baby, I have often been intrigued by earplugs designed to keep water out of my ears. So I was delighted when Andrea from Sear Plugs got in touch, first to organise a collaborative competition between SUPjunkie and Sear Plugs and second to send me a pair to test.
Founded by two water enthusiasts, co-founders Andrea and Julia want to connect with those who love the water: swimmers, surfers, kayakers, or windsurfers.
My parcel arrived just in time for a trip with potential surf, so it was great timing. Beautifully packaged, these high-performance water sports earplugs come in their snug little waterproof pouch with magnetic closure and carabiner to attach easily to your sports kit.
The pack comes with three different-size earplugs and ear wings that are easy to change, thus ensuring you have the perfect fit – even if your ears are different sizes! The earplugs are designed to be worn with the leash, which fits comfortably around your neck. It has a floatable element, meaning peace of mind for keeping those earplugs within reach in the water.
The ear filter has a waterproof acoustic mesh that allows high hearing clarity whilst preventing water ingress.
Having never worn earplugs, I made sure I had the correct fitting. Once ready, we headed down to the beach in Cornwall for a surf. I presumed that once I fell in, these little plugs could pop right out. My other presumption was that I might not be able to hear my surf buddy either.
It didn’t take long to fall off a wave and go right under the water – it happens to me a lot – but hey, the Sear Plugs stayed firmly put, and this happened time and time again; they didn’t move once in the ear. I wore them for almost three hours on, in, and under the water, and they were very comfortable. I hardly felt I had them in – I was so impressed.
Could I hear my friend? Absolutely! My hearing is not brilliant at the best of times, but the earplugs didn’t make a huge negative difference.
Sear Plugs are not a one-size-fits-all model. They can be tailored to your ear size, so they become bespoke without the price tag. They have patented 9dB sound reduction technology, which gives great sound quality while protecting your delicate ears. Medical-grade silicon is used for even greater comfort and protection.
We’ve all heard of surfer’s ear. It’s common among those who spend a lot of time in the water and can be very painful. Prevention is key to avoiding this condition, so I, for one, am happy to have discovered Sear Plugs. My ears are now going to be defended without losing their natural function.
Head to the website for some great information, inspiring water adventure blogs, and to check out this very clever product.
Price: £34.00