Red Original Silent Air Remover
I have a bit of a crowd divider – the Red Original Air Removal Silencer. Gimmick or valuable tool?
I’ve always been on the side of, “It’s just air coming out of the board, so what if it’s loud for a couple of seconds,” and I believe many would probably agree.
Red Original says,“The Silent Air Remover reduces the sound of a board inflated to 18psi from over 130 decibels at initial valve depression to less than 80 decibels. That is the equivalent of a jet taking off in comparison to background noise in a restaurant.”
I deliberately tested the Air Remover in my car park. I live in apartments, where any form of noise is complained about! So really, a good place to test it.
I set up my board to 15.5/16psi. A standard running pressure. As you’ll see on the video review (coming up shortly on @StandUpPaddleUK Instagram IGTV) I set up the air remover (AR) on the rear and central valves, then using the ‘traditional’ press down without the AR.
Rear Valve – 72db Max with the AR
Central Valve – 105db without the AR
Rear Valve – 114db without the AR
For the rear valve, that’s over 40db difference with the use of the silencer, which may not sound like much but audibly it really is when you’re outside.
Ideal uses:
- Morning/night paddles in built-up areas.
- On busy beaches.
- When kids are around.
- When boarding with dogs.
- Staying at campsites.
The above are all opinions of course, but as a person who has been shouted, for unleashing my board air into the atmosphere by a river dog walker, I do feel it has its place and I’ll be keeping it in my bag. Maybe a bit on the expensive side, but, it is the only tool of its type as it stands. We would welcome any other brands making such tools to compare them.