By Jaden Hunter
Jaden Hunter
Peter Tranter
Quiet the mind, take a breath and go out for a paddle
One of the most therapeutic things you can do to settle your mind and escape some of your every day worries and troubles, is to be out on the water, just taking in Mother Nature.
These days the majority of our society has lots of outstanding issues and daily stresses/worries, and that is why a majority of people will suffer from anxiety and panic attacks at least once in their lives. And because not everyone can find the time or place to just jump in a canoe or kayak and get out on the water to escape and breath, people like Todd and Vanessa Steinberg created an organic tool to help those cope when problems strike.
Enter into the picture Komuso Design and The Shift breathing tool that uses ancient wisdom to help all of us control our start of mind through breath.
We sat down with Todd and Vanessa to learn more about their product that has been a global hit, but also more about why paddling, being on the water and taking the time to enjoy life as it comes has helped in their overall life successes.
Why is paddling and being out on the water so important to you both?
The rhythm of padding out on the water is meditation to us. It’s so much easier to be present with our thoughts when you’re surrounded by nature and only hear the sound of swooshing water. There are days when we just want to find some stillness amidst the noise in our lives. Some people refer to the experience of forest bathing to find calm but we consider the water to be a more powerful connection to nature. There comes a time in your week when the concrete and technology all need to go away.
Where is your favourite locations to paddle?
Since we live in south Florida, our favourite spots to paddle are amongst the narrow canals deep into the mangroves. When you get far enough into that ecosystem, you’re fortunate enough to witness the wild habitat in its most natural state. It’s hard to explain the feeling when a dolphin swims near our kayak but we start to feel like one of them, as crazy as that may sound. It’s also very easy to get lost within the intricate framework of canals but there’s something romantic about that adventurous feeling. We always pack some extra water and food just in case we drift into some Huckleberry Finn type of experience.
How long have you both been adventure-seekers and been into exploring what mother nature has to offer?
We were both raised in big metropolises, Vanessa in Quito (Ecuador) and myself in Chicago, so we didn’t experience much of nature until our twenties when we felt a call to the wild. Paddling the Zambezi River in Africa was where it all changed for me. The intense feeling of being part of something bigger than yourself is so profound. I realized how abundant nature is and that a hippo could easily end my life out there. I remember being so grateful to just be alive and thinking that I needed to remind myself of that feeling more often. That’s why the water is spiritual to me. Everything is connected and we feel more connected to the universe when we’re out there.
Your company Komuso Design created an organic tool called The Shift which was inspired by Japanese monks. Tell us more about the product.
Komuso was born because we wanted to find a practical solution to our growing stress. My wife and I had fast paced careers that eventually started to take a physical toll on us. We heard meditation was a really effective way to calm your mind but we were having a hard time staying consistent and didn’t like being so tethered to our phones. One day at lunch with our friend who is a therapist, he grabbed a straw from our water and showed us a simple breathing technique, which slows your exhale to trigger the nervous system to relax. The results were immediate and impressive. We wanted to create a more sophisticated version of that straw that people could use as a function to keep them calm, wear as a reminder to be present, and as a commitment to a more mindful lifestyle. After two years of testing different diameters of the piece and reliable metals, we were able to design what we call ‘The Shift.’ The Shift is an organic tool that slows your breath to calm your mind.
Do you use it when you are out on the water at all? Is it waterproof?
I love wearing The Shift out on the water because just knowing it’s hanging around my neck feels like a security blanket. You never know what you’re going to encounter out there so having the tool with me is relaxing. The Shift is made with top grade stainless steel, which is water resistant, so you can take it anywhere!
What is your advice to other husband and wife teams in making ‘it’ work?
On any given day we experience the entire spectrum of emotions because we deal with so many strains of adversity. The perfect example is when one of us has an idea and other one hates it. It’s like watching two fighters circle each other in a boxing ring. We’re both very passionate about the business and about each other so there’s some fireworks but we always manage to solve it, especially since we are literally across from each other. To experience success with your partner who is also your wife is like nothing else in that our bond grows with every experience. Komuso is us and we are Komuso. If you’re thinking about taking the plunge into a partnership, just make sure your values are aligned. If so, it’s rewarding in so many ways.
Is being able to step away and take a nice kayak trip on the river or lake important to your well-being as a team?
We’re so well positioned in south Florida to be able to get away, which makes a big difference in our lives. When things start to get heavy in the office, I give Vanessa a look and we quietly whisk ourselves away for an afternoon trip to the water for a quick jaunt. These experiences are like vitamins for our souls because it balances our lives and gives us perspective. It’s so easy to get caught up in the busyness of the business. Well-being is not given, it’s earned. Train yourself to create habits of being nature.
Where is the one place you both want to explore most?
We find ourselves talking about Alaska pretty often. When you think of adventure, there aren’t many other places that have such rich diversity of wildlife and nature. It would be amazing to safely get off the grid and explore. My favourite quote from Christopher McCandless sums it up pretty well, “The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.”
Any other items about paddling or being outside that you want to touch on or state?
We just want people to commit to being well. Whether you’re out on the water or simply taking slow conscious breaths to get through your day, we’re with you.
Learn more at: https://www.komusodesign.com/