By Philip Carr
The Peak UK throwline comes in 15m, 20m or 25m lengths. The one we have here is the smallest 15m version.
Peak UK throwline
The throwline comes equipped with 15m of 9.5mm floating rope – this is compared to the 18m of 7.5mm rope used in the HF Weasel and 18m of 8mm line used within the Palm Equipment Lightning throw bags. So although it is very slightly shorter, the thicker rope means that the system is much easier to handle when under load.
Taking the rope into account, the size of the Peak UK throw bag is much bigger than the HF and Palm Equipment bags. The relative sizes of each of the bags can be seen in the images.
The bag comes supplied clean, i.e. the rope comes supplied with no loops, plastics tubing or knots that sit outside of the bag. The rope runs into the bag and attached to a marine grade stainless steel ring similar to those found on the back of PFDs as part of cowtail setups. The rope is threaded through the ring and is secured with a figure eight knot.
The use of the ring was first seen in Peak UK’s Bull bag from a few years ago, so it’s great that it now features in the latest line-up. The use of the steel ring is both low profile and super easy to clip into if/when required.
The bag comes with a long sleeve that allows the bag to be fastened to a belt for wearing around the waist. This is probably the best version of this system out there. It does take a little longer to thread through than say the HF Weasel or the Palm series of throw bags but it really helps the bag sit well against the body. I have tried the bag with the most popular rescue belts available and it works perfectly.
If a throw bag is needed in an emergency you probably won’t have any time for a second go! Therefore the most important factors when using a throw bag is how well it throws and how easy it is to get the bag to land on target. When fully loaded the bag has a good weight to it, which helps with the throw and if packed correctly the line feeds out well.
I found the bag easy to throw both under and over arm. The rope is easy to repack if you do need (or have time) to have a second go or are simply putting it away. The construction of the top of the bag is very similar to that used in a climbing chalk bag so the wide opening stays open and is very easy to do back up using the cam buckle and long length of tape.
Tech specs
- Marine grade stainless steel ring that’s easy to tie and clip into, eliminating any nylon on nylon friction.
- Unique ring design throwline with full length webbing reinforcing.
- Made from tough 600d polyester ripstop and nylon shell with a buoyant foam insert.
- Quick draining and drying slotted base.
- Contains a 9.5mm floating polypropylene rope, tested to EN1891with breaking strength of: > 700kg with knot >1100kg without knot.
- Reflective piping for night use, stiffened wide opening for easy packing.
- Easy and tidy cam buckle open/closure system.
- Comfortable handle for packing and throwing.