Meg Eynon – #ShePaddles Ambassador
#ShePaddles Ambassador Meg Eynon has been kayaking for just over three years now. She went from never having stepped foot in a boat to gaining qualifications in white water kayaking. Read all about her journey and see how you can give it a try yourself.
Tell us a bit about yourself.
Hi, I’m Meg. I live in Cardiff, South Wales, and I’m a member of Cardiff Canoe Club. I’ve been paddling for three years. From never stepping foot in a boat to gaining qualifications in paddlesports, my paddling has developed greatly. I now paddle at least weekly, whether it’s in the pool, the river, or Cardiff International White Water Centre (CIWW). To say I’ve caught the bug is an understatement!
How did you get into white water kayaking?
I got into white water kayaking after a birthday present from my partner to undertake the ‘zero to hero’ course at CIWW. This aims to get you down the white water course within two days. I did this and was terrified of it! Joining a club allowed me to build confidence and paddling skills in a safe and friendly environment. They also gave me the opportunity to get out on the river weekly, which captured my love of white water paddling.
Do you have any memorable kayaking trips?
The #ShePaddles Cymru Summer Celebration last summer was the favourite weekend I’ve ever had on the river. Being surrounded by like-minded, supportive women who share the same passion is something special. The whole weekend will forever be memorable, from the incredible coaches to all the women who attended; everyone was so supportive and built confidence no matter what your ability was. My paddling improved so much, and I even found (and then bought) a new white water kayak!
What personal aspirations do you have for the next 12 months?
My aspirations for the next 12 months are to paddle as much as possible, go on as many river trips as I can, and continue developing my paddling ability. Getting out in nature and exploring new rivers is why I love white water kayaking so much, and it always motivates me to get out on the water.
I’d love to eventually gain my White Water Leader qualification to continue encouraging women and girls to paddle, especially white water kayaking.
What advice would you give other women and girls wanting to try white water kayaking?
Have a go; don’t be afraid to try! To enjoy white water, you don’t have to run waterfalls and challenging rivers. Join a white water-orientated club that will develop the skills and confidence needed in a safe environment. There are so many great coaches and leaders within canoe clubs who can inspire confidence to get out on the white water. Women-only white water events are so supportive, and I definitely recommend attending them to try white water whilst making new friends!
If you’re feeling inspired to try white water kayaking, find a club near you. You can keep up to date with Meg’s white water paddles and her time as a #ShePaddles Ambassador over on Instagram @megeynon