By Chris Whittaker
Photos: As stated

Chris Whittaker
Chris Whittaker is an adventure travel writer, photographer and international expedition leader. Chris’ work in the outdoor industry has allowed him to travel extensively, from the Far East to Europe, Africa and the Americas. He now uses his company, Global Shenanigans, to help others experience the world through community focused ethical tourism. Follow Chris’ adventures on social media: @global_shenanigans
After what feels like a never-ending barrage of cancelled trips and postponed expeditions – finally, there may be a glimmer of hope on the horizon. So, secure your spray skirt, buckle up your buoyancy aid and batten down your day hatch. Here are just some of the world’s most fabulous sea kayaking destinations to add to your bucket list!
Lofoten Islands, Norway
The Lofoten Archipelago is a collection of dramatic sheer cliff islands, dropping at a sometimes near-vertical angle into the cold North Atlantic waters. The landscape is so rugged that it leads to jaw-to-the-floor paddling around every corner. The weather can be as dramatic as the scenery, so be sure to prepare for all conditions. Lofoten is one of the most popular adventure sports areas in Norway, which draws a crowd of similar minded people – from hikers, surfers, climbers and of course, paddlers.
Located above the Arctic Circle, the Northern Lights often dance across the night sky in a spectacular performance of light and colour – but having a sky clear enough to see it is the hard part!
Vancouver Island, BC, Canada
Show me someone that hasn’t dreamt of kayaking with an orca, and I’ll show you a liar. I spent the summers of 2018/19 on the north end of Vancouver Island, leading multi-day sea kayak trips. People came from all over the world to be there for the sole objective of seeing an orca in the wild from a kayak. Orcas are highly intelligent, wild animals that can cover distances of over 100km in a given day. You’d think that the chances of just seeing an orca must be slim?
Well, no.
The waterway on the north end of Vancouver Island is called Johnstone Strait. It is a channel of water flowing between Vancouver Island and Canada’s mainland, with numerous islands in-between. In the grand scheme of things, it’s very narrow. This means that any wildlife that travels through here won’t be so far from land.
The Bigg’s orca (mammal eaters) can be found in this area year-round. But what makes this the best place for sea kayaking with orca is that in the summer months, the salmon return to spawn. Do you know what loves eating salmon? The resident (fish-eating) orca.
What I’m saying is your chances of seeing one during the summer months are reasonably high. I’d even go as far as saying it is the best place in the world for kayaking with orca.
It is a spectacular moment and usually creates an awestruck silence from all who are lucky enough to witness it. Some people even shed tears of pure joy. It really is remarkable.
If you’d like to find out more, get in touch with the specialists at Wildcoast Adventures (www.kayakbritishcolumbia.com). Their guides carry a hydrophone on all excursions, meaning that not only could you see these majestic creatures, but you may even get a chance to hear their vocalisations using the underwater microphone.
You’d think that alone would be enough to put Vancouver Island on any keen paddlers radar, but wait, there’s more. The Discovery Islands between Vancouver Island and the mainland draw in several humpback whales every summer as they return from their southerly migrations – the highest concentration are around Campbell River, Quadra and Cortez Island.This is a fantastic area to paddle because the water is relatively sheltered due to the surrounding islands. It means even beginner paddlers can get out on a multi-day kayak camp with the direction of a local guide.
And finally, all the way on the other end of Vancouver Island is the Broken Group Islands. This group of islands is protected in the Pacific Rim National Park Reserve. This is the wild side, where you really are out in the Pacific. However, due to the collection of over 100 surrounding islands, you are once again able to seek protection from the elements and enjoy sheltered coves, beaches and sea caves. This area also hosts numerous marine species such as grey whales, seals and sea otters.
Belize Barrier Reef, Belize
Belize is home to the second-longest barrier reef globally and makes up 300 kilometres of the 900 kilometres Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System. It is a world-class dive site, with an abundance of marine life living amongst the corals. The water is so clear that you can often spot rays and turtles whilst still standing on land.
There are approximately 200 islands along the reef, which are known as ‘Cayes’ (pronounced ‘keys’). You will find some of the happiest, friendliest and relaxed locals on these islands – genuinely embracing the Belize island life slogan of ‘Go Slow’. If you even dare walk along the beach with too much haste, people will tell you to go slow!’
Belize is a hidden diamond. It offers both the taste of the Caribbean from its islands and dense jungle, wildlife, and an in-depth history of the Mayan people.
Island Expeditions (www.islandexpeditions.com) make up their team of kayak guides using passionate outdoors folk and naturalists. The company focuses on responsible tourism, partnering a number of their trips with local environmental charities. They seek out initiatives that allow the tourism dollar to flow amongst the further afield communities that most tourists don’t get to. This allows them to provide you with high-quality sea kayak tours of the Cayes and impact the community positively.
The Inside Passage. Seattle, Washington – Skagway, Alaska
The Inside Passage is a sea kayaking pilgrimage beginning in Seattle, Washington, skirting along the entirety of Canada’s west coast, via the inside of Vancouver Island, to Skagway, Alaska, USA.
The history of this route began during the 1898 Klondike gold rush. Gold was being transported down the Yukon River and ending up in the coastal town of Skagway. Ships were able to sail up during the calmer summer months, but many struggled with the brutal winter conditions.
Although following the western side of Vancouver Island allowed for more straightforward navigation, it was far too rough for the small craft to make this trip during the winter. Instead, prospectors opted to go inside. The navigation was difficult and the route hazardous, with specific tidal flows reaching speeds of over 15 knots. This would create whirlpools, boils and standing waves between the island squeezes. But the appeal of gold was enough for many seamen to take their chances, which eventually lead to this route being known as the ‘Inside Passage’ and Skagway becoming its northern terminus.
Eventually, the larger ships also started using this route, and it has now become a major shipping lane.
But more importantly for us, it is a spectacular escape into the wilderness and an ideal North American expedition for sea kayakers. Some opt for taking it on section by section; others go for the whole route in one large expedition. My expedition partner Nuka and I were set to take on this epic journey in 2020.
We had spent the year planning a three-month route and would document the trip with a YouTube webisode series. You probably know where this is going. We made the tough call to postpone the trip and are excitedly looking forward to the day when the world opens up, and we can go for it. You can follow our journey on For Fun’s Sake Expedition (https://ffs-expedition.com) @ffs_expedition.
Cornwall, England
Every stretch of coast along Cornwall, the most south-westerly point of England, will be filled with interest and fascination. Raging winter storms batter the island nation, creating caves, nooks, and crannies that kayaks can explore. Amongst them, you will find sea creatures big and small.
Cornwall is a unique place to paddle as it offers so much. In the summer, on occasion, the sea can be as flat as a lake. With dolphins porpoising in the distance and the light hitting the water just right, it can rival even the most tranquil of Mediterranean mornings. The very next day, the conditions are such that even the most experienced kayakers might think twice about getting on the water. It is this polarisation that allows paddlers to experience all the elements of kayaking: keeping one’s skills sharp with tide races, rock features and large swells; to then be rewarded with sunshine and sandy beaches.
Every coastal town holds its own history – stories of wizards and witches, piracy and smuggling. There are excellent resources and guidebooks online to plan your trip, helping you decide precisely which area is suitable depending on your goals. Alternatively, Cornish Rock Tors (www.cornishrocktors.com) is set up on the north coast and run tours for all ability levels. They are tucked away in a small fishing village, in a spot so perfect that you can find everything I just mentioned, all in one day.
Sea of Cortez, Baja. Mexico
I couldn’t compile a list of kayaking destinations and not mention ‘the world’s aquarium’. The Sea of Cortez is also known as the Gulf of California and is the water stretch between the Baja Peninsula and mainland Mexico.
It is thought to be one of the most diverse seas in the world. Some of its inhabitants and migratory species include blue whales, humpback whales, grey whales, killer whales, manta rays, squid, sea turtles, sea lions, and an almost endless list of fish and other sea creatures. You may have realised by now that I am quite fond of wildlife. I also believe that there is no better way to enjoy watching wildlife than from a kayak, so what better place to do so! Get in touch with the folks over at Sea Kayak Baja Mexico (https://seakayakbajamexico.com) for some more information, and remember to pack a snorkel.
Sea kayaking with humpback whales
Sharing the water with a humpback whale is very special. If you’ve not seen one before, take a minute to Google its size. Answer: absolutely ginormous.
They are like a school bus. Except they are living, breathing, and they don’t use turn signals to tell you when they’ll pull out in front of you. They are unpredictable, and any whale encounter must be approached with the utmost respect for the animal.
Humans have terribly mistreated humpback whales (all whales, in fact) in the past, almost driving them to extinction. Fortunately, the whaling industry has now almost ended. This has given a chance for the population to bounce back in greater numbers. Humpback whale sightings are on the rise all around the world. This means there are many fantastic locations you could kayak with humpback whales.
Instead of telling you the best location to kayak with humpback whales, I will tell you how to find the best companies to kayak with humpback whales.
How to know if a wildlife tour is ethical. Here are some things to consider when choosing a company or tour provider. These are questions to ask yourself before booking, as most of this information should be apparent from their website.
- Do they genuinely care about the wellbeing of the animal, or is this strictly business?
- What steps are being taken to protect whales?
- Is this activity regulated by the local government or in any other way?
- Are the whales behaving naturally?
- Is your presence invasive?
The great majority of tour providers that offer whale encounters do it because they love animals and kayaking. They treat every encounter with respect, and that should be apparent. You will probably find that these companies staff are just as excited at seeing a whale, sometimes even more so than the clients.
Canada is leading the way for best practises by making the harassment of marine mammals a federal crime. Here is a link (https://mersociety.org) to their whale watching regulations. Every country approaches this topic differently, so know that what is ‘acceptable’ legally will vary from place to place. Decide your moral code to apply with all wildlife experiences.
The power of the dollar is the most powerful tool of them all. So let’s work as a community to set the standard of what we deem as acceptable.

A sea kayaking adventure in Antarctica will be like nothing you have ever experienced before.
Firstly, how to even get there. The most likely way is by first going to the southerly part of South America, which is Ushuaia, Argentina. Once you’ve got to the end of the Earth, you jump on a ship and keep going. It takes roughly 48 hours, and you’ll be crossing the infamous Drake Passage.
Upon arrival, you will be greeted by epic mountains, ice floats and glaciers, as well as wildlife in vast numbers like you, have never seen before.
Kayaking in Antarctica is truly a unique experience. It combines a number of the special features mentioned in this list – wildlife, epic views, icebergs – all in once place. Get in touch with Hurtigruten (www.hurtigruten.co.uk) for details of when they are next sailing!
Raja Ampat, Indonesia
Here’s a suggestion for those who like to go off the beaten path. A place I imagine only a few well-travelled readers may have heard of. In fact, it only showed up on my radar when researching this article.
Raja Ampat is a collection of 1,500 jungle-covered and thinly populated limestone islands. It is suggested that Raja Ampat has the most diverse marine ecosystem on Earth, with reefs even richer in life than the rest of what’s known as the Coral Triangle.
It is often the feature of top 10 diving sites, but it is possible to kayak here. Another of Southern Sea Ventures (www.southern seaventures.com) spectacular trips allow you to paddle amongst these islands – and you may likely be the first people to have ever paddled into some of the many nooks, bays and beaches. Raja Ampat may be one of the most beautiful island chains globally, and you can explore them whilst living out of an Indonesia style mothership with kayak day tours.
No surprise that the significant profession here is fishing, however, local people are extremely welcoming to tourism, and there are more and more guest house opportunities arising. These guesthouses often have sit-on-top kayaks available for those just looking to dip the paddle in quickly.
Vulcano, Sicily

Tasmania, Australia
Tasmania is a world-class sea kayaking destination because it offers opportunities for all paddlers. The 4,000 kilometres of coastline on this island state make it easy to escape the crowds and find yourself an empty beach or a steep craggy cliff to explore. 40% of the island is protected by reserves and national parks, allowing those with a thirst for adventure to go deep into the wilderness or take a quick paddle break straight from its largest city of Hobart.
This is, of course, an article about sea kayaking, but it’s worth noting that Tasmania also has top-notch white water paddling too.
The wildlife in this part of the world is abundant on both land, sea – and air! There’s everything from seals, to penguins, to albatrosses.
A sea kayak trip to Tasmania can be handled by the fine folks of Southern Sea Ventures (www.southernseaventures.com) . They have been leading expeditions since 1988 and now offer trips to 31 different locations around the world.
Iceberg Alley, Newfoundland, Canada

Fiordland, New Zealand