Erdinger Alkoholfrei renew support for Big Paddle Cleanup
Paddle UK commercial partner Erdinger Alkoholfrei are fully behind the Big Paddle Cleanup 2024. They joined us for a cleanup near Chesterfield.
Paddle UK commercial partner Erdinger Alkoholfrei are fully behind the Big Paddle Cleanup 2024. They joined us for a cleanup near Chesterfield. Chantelle Grundy, Paddle UK’s Environment Lead, met with Pete Gowans, ERDINGER Country Manager, and colleague Cath Margetts, at Hollingwood Hub, near Chesterfield. They were joined by Rod Auton from the Chesterfield Canal Trust.
Thanks to Trust volunteers, the stretch is largely clear of rubbish, but there were still some interesting finds. A lost motorbike helmet was retrieved by Pete and is now awaiting collection by the owner. The team found a fancy fishing hook along with dog poo bags, balls and lots of polystyrene, which had blown into the canal from a building site.
Pete said: “We were taken aback with how well cared for the tow path and canal was.
“This is clearly down to the hard work and dedication of the volunteers but it is sometimes difficult for them to access the rubbish in the water, which is where we were able to help.
“Creating a pleasurable environment, whether walking, cycling or paddling by our waterways, is all part of the Big Paddle Cleanup and this was a great way to kick off the 2024 campaign.”
Rod Auton, Publicity Officer for the Chesterfield Canal Trust, said: “We were really pleased to see the Big Paddle Clean team on our beautiful canal.
“We have volunteers who spend hundreds of hours keeping the towpath clean for all to enjoy, but getting at some of the rubbish in the water is much more difficult.
“This is especially important because of the potential danger to wildlife.
“We hope that the publicity generated will inspire some of the paddlers who use the canal regularly to do some clean ups themselves.”
Chantelle Grundy Access and Environment Lead said: “The Chesterfield Canal like many other waterways, is kept clean by dedicated volunteers committed to giving their time for the benefit of nature and people.
“The Big Paddle Cleanup is a great way for the paddling community to come together and really highlight the challenges our waterways face from plastic pollution.”
In 2023, Friends of Allonby Canoe Club won the opportunity to host the flagship event and were supported by Erdinger Alkoholfrei. Details of how your club can be in with a chance of hosting the Big Paddle Cleanup 2024 Flagship Event and how to get your hands on a paddle cleanup kit, will be shared soon.
Find out more about the Big Paddle Cleanup >>