The Paddler Late Summer Contents
Issue 50
Peter Tranter
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Anne Egan
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2b Graphic Design Limited
The Rìo Pacuare,
Costa Rica
Photo: Kevin Saussaure,
Canoë Kayak Magazine
Content photo:
A magical morning paddle,
Photo: Mal Grey
Additional thanks to:
Adam Gill, Peter Knowles, Dimitri Vanderpoele, Phil Carr, Javier Gonzalez, Rafael Gallo, Rios Tropcales, Costa Rica Tourism Board, International Rafting Federation, Gethin Roberts, Florian Hartmann, Carolina Auer, Lisa Staudinger, Supjunkie, Kelli Surritte, @perfectnegatives and @paddleleague, Trevor Tunnington, Celine Meier and Alan Jary
Autumn/fall issue 50 contents
Check it out! The Paddler magazine latest issue…
The Paddler features stories from right here in the UK to worldwide.
The International magazine for recreational paddlers.
The human factor #3
by Tom Parker
Costa Rica Rafting the roaring Rio Pacuare
By Peter Tranter
The state of WW kayaking
By Corran Addison
Sweden – Glaskogen
By Mal Grey
Ireland circumnavigation Part one
By Tom Thorpe
Canoe Focus Autumn 2019 issue
British Canoeing’s 24-page magazine
Crossing the Minch
By sea kayaker Richard Janes
Austria The Lofer Rodeo
By Tim Star
Yukon, Canada Three soldiers SUP the YRQ
By Mike Procter
Sea Kayaking the Scillie Islands
By Sarah Webster
The BIG three
By Jenny Spencer
Rannoch, Scotland Crossing by open canoe
By Dave Rossetter
Testing, testing
New kit and PaddleExpo special by Greg Spencer
Typhoon PS440 dry suit by Dimitri Vanderpoele
Shakespeare Marine Inflatable Antenna
Rivières nature en Kayak Gonflable book review by Peter Knowles
The Liffey Descent by Iain Maclean
Yak Taurus PFD by Phil Carr