Athlete Agenda book review
I am a big fan of paper and a physical book rather than digital – maybe it’s my age, but I love the feel and weight of a book, the cover shot and even the paper quality. A Kindle girl, I am not!
Having had my eye on this publication, I was kindly gifted a copy of April Zilg’s Athlete Agenda in return for some taxi work when she was recently in the UK. A fair swap.
April has been developing her online coaching since becoming an absolute world-class stand-up paddleboarder, marginally missing out of the APP world title by points but almost dominating recent racing seasons. This is due to major changes in her training with a scientific slant, more of which can be heard in her recent chat with Simon on his SUPfmpodcast. It’s very enlightening for anyone who loves ‘nerdy’ stuff.
She has learnt that physically writing points down, be they affirmations, training plans for the week or beliefs in your ability, can really help an athlete. It’s a bit like writing a list, I know that stuff will get done rather than just having it in my head, so this definitely appeals to me.
The Athlete Agenda has a lovely weight and feel, and wherever you order from, the book is printed in that country and not flown halfway around the world – very clever!
The chapters at the beginning are all about your journey, not someone else’s, and are personal as you complete the book like a diary, writing down how you feel daily. This being what you have achieved or not, milestones, weekly refocus sessions, daily reflections, and a whole lot more! I have seen a friend’s; hers is packed with all she does and feels – she has found it incredibly useful.
This book would undoubtedly compliment your online training schedule or maybe encourage you to start your own in this very journal.
April knows what it is like to be a ‘couch potato’ (her words, not mine), with little energy and unfocused. Here she is ten years later with a great story behind her, and she wants to encourage us all to write our book and find our ‘inner athlete’ – move, grow, reflect and reach our goals, be they a gold medal or running for one mile without stopping.
Like a diary, the Agenda is intended to last a year, and it would certainly be interesting to look back over it after the year is up – will you have found your inner athlete? I am certainly looking forward to getting stuck in – I guess it will make me more accountable, but only to me – I’ll let you know how I get on!
April’s chat with Simon from SUPfmpodcast: www.supfmpodcast.com/episode/athlete-agenda-with-april-zilg
Buy April’s Athlete Agenda here: www.athlete-agenda.com/64373883104/checkouts/f5c0d6001031a99e92e967372a0ed4ef?_ga=2.137573299.2055942710.1659447590-96328600.1659447590& channel=buy_button
Follow April here:
IG: @aprilzilg
FB: www.facebook.com/AprilZilgPaddles
Website: www.aprilzilg.com/